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Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material found on this site is strictly prohibited unless there is written permission from the website's owner. Links and/or excerpts may be used, under the circumstance that full (and clear) credit is given. All credit should lead to the original content and be appropriate. 


You accept that physical exercise can be strenuous, challenging and there is a risk of serious injury. You agree that your participation in all activities prescribed by Strength By Sami (the business) is entirely voluntary and at your own risk. Strength By Sami strongly advises you to consult with your doctor before beginning physical activity and cease any exercise that causes you physical pain or discomfort.


Readers are strongly advised to consult their physician or healthcare professional before starting any fitness or nutrition program in order to decide if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true (but not limited to) if you or a family member has a history of high blood pressure and/or heart disease, you smoke, have joint/bone problems, or if you have recently experienced chest pain during physical activity. Do not begin any program if your doctor or healthcare professional advises against it. If you experience dizziness, lightheadedness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop immediately. If you are in the United States and believe you are having a medical/health emergency, call 911 immediately. 


You understand that my role is not as a ‘medical health practitioner’. Rather, I serve as a mentor, coach, trainer, and guide to help you reach your own health, fitness & wellness goals.


You accept that your health is entirely your own responsibility and that any advice provided regarding nutrition, supplements, and physique alterations are general recommendations and not intended to diagnose any medical conditions. 


You recognize the coaches at Strength By Sami are not nutritional professionals or medical doctors and it is strongly advised that you consult with these professionals before undertaking any advice provided. You agree that any advice that you undertake is entirely voluntary and at your own risk. Furthermore, you recognize we are also not responsible for any loss you suffer.


You acknowledge that the results from your online personal training and nutritional advice will vary and we cannot guarantee an outcome.


You agree to keep all content created by Strength By Sami and shared with you confidential and private. Any information, videos, or documents found on and the Strength By Sami Trainerize App are the exclusive property of the business, provided to you for the duration of your subscription only.


You acknowledge that you have carefully read this waiver and release and fully understand that it is a release of liability. Upon participating in any challenges, in-person training sessions, or signing up for Online Coaching you expressly agree to release and discharge the business from any and all claims or causes of action and you agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right that you may otherwise have to bring legal action against Strength By Sami for personal injury or property damage.


The information contained on the Strength By Sami website, blog, guest blogs, e-mails, programs, services, and/or products is for educational and informational purposes only and is made available to you as self-help tools/guides for your own use. While Strength By Sami draws on our prior professional expertise and background in many areas, you acknowledge that we are supporting you in our roles exclusively as trainers only. 


If any portion of this release from liability shall be deemed by a Court to be invalid, then the remainder of this release from liability shall remain in full force and effect and the offending provision or provisions severed here from.


I, Samantha Runshaw, registered dietitian and owner of Strength by Sami, agree to keep all information confidential including but not limited to email addresses and phone numbers. Nutrition coaching is provided through a secure and HIPPA-compliant portal. All clients must sign a HIPPA form prior to the initial consultation. 



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Strength by Sami does not accept insurance at this time but can provide invoices for insurance reimbursement.*


*It is up to the insurance holder to contact their insurance provider to determine coverage for nutrition services. Strength by Sami does not guarantee your insurance will accept or cover nutrition services.

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